Management Involvement

CLEANPASS focuses on job-specific skills.  Managers have the privilege of working closely with employees to identify the knowledge and skills they’ll need for these goals in the short term and in the long run.

We advise setting measurable KPIs – is what is measured can be achieved. Managers should work together with employees to establish areas for development, and find ways to quantify their goals. Hygiene audit scores and outcomes are key to this.

A senior identified individual at the highest level for that service has overall accountability, responsibility and authority for infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship within the service. This includes accountability and responsibility for overseeing the implementation of these National Standards. (5.1.1 community)

Programme Planning for Results

CLEANPASS recognises the manager’s role in training and also extends to communicating training expectations to their team. All employees should know how their participation in training will affect their performance reviews and advancement opportunity.

The purpose of planning programmes with the involvement of management is to:

  • Ensure training is in keeping with organisations continuing process improvement plan
  • Identify the organisation’s special requirements for the training
  • Provide information for Learners and other stakeholders on programmes
  • To introduce to the organisation to the steps of the CLEANPASS process
  • Gather information on local policy relevant to topics covered during the training
  • Identify the organisation’s aims and objectives for the training
  • Gather information on participants job roles and responsibilities
  • Organise training logistics
  • Identify observers from the management team that will observe the course.

How We Will Involve Management

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